Dr. Kathrin Specht, Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsplanung und -architektur

Stellvertretende Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe „Raumbezogene Planung und Städtebau“.
Studium der Landschaftsplanung und -architektur an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. Promotion an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin am Institut für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften. Forschungsaufenthalte an der Università di Bologna, Italien, der Columbia University in the City of New York, USA und am Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) in Bangalore, Indien.
- Soziale Akzeptanz und partizipative Umsetzung von Innovationen
- Stadtregionale Ernährungssysteme/Ernährungspolitik
- Urbane Landwirtschaft
- Grüne Infrastruktur
- Systemische Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung (Food-Water-Energy-Nexus; Ökosystemleistungen)
Telefon: +49 (0) 231 9051-231
E-Mail: kathrin.specht@ils-forschung.de
- FoodE - Food Systems in European Cities
- GreenME – Advancing Greencare in Europe: an integrated multi-scalar approach for the expansion of nature-based therapies to improve Mental health Equity
- IMECOGIP – Implementierung des Ökosystemleistungskonzepts in die Planung Grüner Infrastruktur zur Stärkung der Resilienz der Metropole Ruhr und chinesischer Megacities
- JUST GROW: Co-designing justice-centric indicators and governance principles to intensify urban agriculture sustainably and equitably
Publikationen (Auswahl)
- Busch, Christin; Specht, Kathrin; Inostroza, Luis; Falke, Matthias; Zepp, Harald (2024): Disentangling cultural ecosystem services co-production in urban green spaces through social media reviews. In: Ecosystem Services 70, 101675. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2024.101675.
- Steines, Ann-Kristin; D’Ostuni, Michele; Wissman, Anna; Specht, Kathrin; Iodice, Chiara; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Monticone, Francesca; Righini, Isabella; Saint-Ges, Veronique; Samoggia, Antonella; Orsini, Francesco (2024): Cultivating change: Exploring policies, challenges, and solutions to support city region food systems development in six European countries. In: Cities 155, 105498. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2024.105498.
- Di Fiore, Gianluca; Specht, Kathrin; Zanasi, Cesare; Rover, Oscar José (2024): Practising urban agriculture positively influences household organic waste management habits: A quantitative study from Florianópo-lis, Brazil. In: Waste Management & Research, online first September 11, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734242X241271025.
- Leimkühler, Melissa; Specht, Kathrin; Schröter, Barbara; Wissmann, Anna; Iodice, Chiara; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Steines, Ann-Kristin; Monticone, Francesca; Samoggia, Antonella; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo; Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia; Curtis, Adam; Righini, Isabella; D’Ostuni, Michele; Ramón, Jaime; Amghar, Samir; Pascual-Fernández, José J. (2024): Using the Net-Map tool to analyze stakeholder networks in the city region food systems of seven European cities. In: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 8, 1315399. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2024.1315399. (online first 27.03.2024)
- Monticone, Francesca; Samoggia, Antonella; Specht, Kathrin; Schröter, Barbara; Rossi, Giulia; Wissmann, Anna; Bertazzoli, Aldo (2024): Harvesting connections: the role of stakeholders’ network structure, dynamics and actors’ influence in shaping farmers’ markets. In: Agriculture and Human Values 41, 1503–1520. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-024-10563-6.
- Hawes, Jason K; Goldstein, Benjamin P.; Newell, Joshua P.; Dorr, Erica; Caputo, Silvio; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Grard, Baptiste; Ilieva, Rositsa T.; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnès; Poniży, Lidia; Schoen, Victoria; Specht, Kathrin; Cohen, Nevin (2024): Comparing the carbon footprints of urban and conventional agriculture. In: Nature Cities 1, 164–173. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44284-023-00023-3.
- Buscher, Jost; Bakunowitsch, Julija; Specht, Kathrin (2023): Transformative Potential of Vertical Farming—An Urban Planning Investigation Using Multi-Level Perspective. In: Sustainability 15, 22, 15861. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152215861. (online first 11.11.2023)
- Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Kirby, Caitlin K.; Specht, Kathrin; Cohen, Nevin; Ilieva, Rositsa; Caputo, Silvio; Schoen, Victoria; Hawes, Jason K.; Ponizy, Lidia; Béchet, Béatrice (2023): The role of urban agriculture in food-energy-water nexus policies: Insights from Europe and the U.S. In: Landscape and Urban Planning 239, 104848. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2023.104848. (online first 03.08.2023)
- Dorr, Erica; Hawes, Jason K.; Goldstein, Benjamin; Fargue‑Lelievre, Agnes; Fox‑Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin; Fedeńczak, Konstancja; Caputo, Silvio; Cohen, Nevin; Poniży, Lidia; Schoen, Victoria; Górecki, Tomasz; Newell, Joshua P.; Jean‑Soro, Liliane; Grard, Baptiste (2023): Food production and resource use of urban farms and gardens: a five-country study. In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43, 18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13593-022-00859-4. (online first 01.02.2023)
- Cirone, Francesco; Petruzzelli, Mara; De Menna, Fabio; Samoggia, Antonella; Buscaroli, Enrico; Durante, Emanuele; Orsini, Francesco; Rufí-Salís, Martí; Tonini, Pietro; Gabarrell Durany, Xavier; Graamans, Luuk; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnès; Saint-Ges, Vèronique; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin; Pascual-Fernández, José J.; Vittuari, Matteo (2023): A sustainability scoring system to assess food initiatives in city regions. In: Sustainable Production and Consumption 36, 88–99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2022.12.022. (online first 30.12.2022)
- Di Fiore, Gianluca; Specht, Kathrin; Rover, Oscar José; Zanasi, Cesare (2022): Stakeholders‘ social acceptance of a new organic waste management policy in the city of Florianópolis (Brazil). In: Journal of Cleaner Production 379, 2, 134756. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.134756. (online first 20.10.2022)
- Zoll, Felix; Kirby, Caitlin K.; Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie (2022): Exploring member trust in German community-supported agriculture: a multiple regression analysis. In: Agriculture and Human Values 40, 709–724. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-022-10386-3. (online first 07.11.2022)
- Zhou, Hemeng; Specht, Kathrin; Kirby, Caitlin K. (2022): Consumers’ and Stakeholders’ Acceptance of Indoor Agritecture in Shanghai (China). In: Sustainability 14, 5, 2771. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14052771. (online first 26.02.2022)
- Ilieva, Rositsa T.; Cohen, Nevin; Israel, Maggie; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnès; Ponizy, Lidia; Schoen, Victoria; Caputo, Silvio; Kirby, Caitlin K.; Goldstein, Benjamin; Newell, Joshua P.; Blythe, Chris (2022): The Socio-Cultural Benefits of Urban Agriculture: A Review of the Literature. In: Land 11, 5, 622. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11050622.
- Specht, Kathrin; Bohn, Katrin; Simón-Rojo, Marian (2022): Planning Food System transitions: Exploring spatial, citizen-driven, and agroecological approaches. In: Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems 7, e20029. https://doi.org/10.1002/uar2.20029. (online first 28.04.2022)
- Schoen, Victoria; Blythe, Chris; Caputo, Silvio; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnès; Cohen, Nevin; Poniży, Lidia; Fedeńczak, Konstancja (2021): “We Have Been Part of the Response”: The Effects of COVID-19 on Community and Allotment Gardens in the Global North. In: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Vol. 5, Article 732641. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.732641. (online first 04.10.2021)
- Zoll, Felix; Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie (2021): Alternative = transformative? Investigating drivers of transformation in alternative food networks in Germany. In: Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 61, Issue 3, pp. 638–659. doi: 10.1111/soru.12350. (online first 06.05.2021)
- Artmann, Martina; Specht, Kathrin; Vávra, Jan; Rommel, Marius (2021): Introduction to the Special Issue “A Systemic Perspective on Urban Food Supply: Assessing Different Types of Urban Agriculture”. In: Sustainability, Vol. 13, Issue 7, 3798. doi: 10.3390/su13073798. (online first 30.03.2021)
- Di Fiore, Gianluca; Specht, Kathrin; Zanasi, Cesare (2021): Assessing motivations and perceptions of stakeholders in urban agriculture: a review and analytical framework. In: International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 351–367. doi: 10.1080/19463138.2021.1904247. (online first 29.05.2021)
- Kirby, Caitlin K.; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Hawes, Jason K.; Cohen, Nevin; Caputo, Silvio; Ilieva, Rositsa T.; Lelièvre, Agnès; Poniży, Lidia; Schoen, Victoria; Blythe, Chris (2021): Differences in motivations and social impacts across urban agriculture types: Case studies in Europe and the US. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 212, 104110. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104110. (online first 23.04.2021)
- Buscaroli, Enrico; Braschia, Ilaria; Cirillo, Chiara; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnes; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo; Pennisi, Giuseppina; Righini, Isabella; Specht, Kathrin; Orsini, Francesco (2021): Reviewing chemical and biological risks in urban agriculture: A comprehensive framework for a food safety assessment of city region food systems. In: Food Control, Vol. 126, 108085. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108085. (online first 18.03.2021)
- Vittuari, Matteo; Bazzocchi, Giovanni; Blasioli, Sonia; Cirone, Francesco; Maggio, Albino; Orsini, Francesco; Penca, Jerneja; Petruzzelli, Mara; Specht, Kathrin; Amghar, Samir; Atanasov, Aleksandar-Mihail; Bastia, Teresa; Bertocchi, Inti; Coudard, Antoine; Crepaldi, Andrea; Curtis, Adam; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Gheorghica, Anca Elena; Lelièvre, Agnès; Muñoz, Pere; Nolde, Erwin; Pascual-Fernández, Josè; Pennisi, Giuseppina; Pölling, Bernd; Reynaud-Desmet, Lèlia; Righini, Isabella; Rouphael, Youssef; Saint-Ges, Vèronique; Samoggia, Antonella; Shaystej, Shima; da Silva, Macu; Toboso Chavero, Susana; Tonini, Pietro; Trušnovec, Gorazd; Vidmar, Benjamin L.; Villalba, Gara; De Menna, Fabio (2021): Envisioning the Future of European Food Systems: Approaches and Research Priorities After COVID-19. In: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Vol. 5, Article 642787. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.642787. (online first 09.03.2021)
- Appolloni, Elisa; Orsini, Francesco; Specht, Kathrin; Thomaier, Susanne; Sanyé-Mengual, Esther; Pennisi, Giuseppina; Gianquinto, Giorgio (2021): The global rise of urban rooftop agriculture: A review of worldwide cases. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 296, 126556. doi: 0.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126556. (online first 28.02.2021)
- Sanyé-Mengual, Esther; Specht, Kathrin; Vávra, Jan; Artmann, Martina; Orsini, Francesco; Gianquinto, Giorgio (2021): Ecosystem Services of Urban Agriculture: Perceptions of Project Leaders, Stakeholders and the General Public. In: Sustainability, Vol. 12, Issue 24, 10446. doi: 10.3390/su122410446. (Online first 14.12.2020)
- Caputo, Silvio; Schoen, Victoria; Specht, Kathrin; Grard, Baptiste; Blythe, Chris; Cohen, Nevin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Hawes, Jason; Newell, Joshua; Poniży, Lidia (2021): Applying the Food-Energy-Water Nexus approach to urban agriculture: from FEW to FEWP (Food-Energy-Water-People). In: Urban forestry & Urban Greening, Vol. 58, 126934. doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126934. (online first 16.12.2020)
- Ochoa, Jesus; Sanyé-Mengual, Esther; Specht, Kathrin; Fernández, Juan A.; Bañón, Sebastián; Orsini, Francesco; Magrefi, Francesca; Bazzocchi, Giovanni; Halder, Severin; Martens, Doerte; Kappel, Noemi; Gianquinto, Giorgio (2019): Sustainable Community Gardens Require Social Engagement and Training: A Users’ Needs Analysis in Europe. In: Sustainability, Vol. 11, Issue 14. doi: 10.3390/su11143978.
- Sanyé-Mengual, Esther; Specht, Kathrin; Grapsa, Erofili; Orsini, Francesco; Gianquinto, Giorgio (2019): How Can Innovation in Urban Agriculture Contribute to Sustainability? A Characterization and Evaluation Study from Five Western European Cities. In: Sustainability, Vol. 11, Issue 15. doi: 10.3390/su11154221.
- Specht, Kathrin; Zoll, Felix; Schümann, Henrike; Bela, Julia; Kachel, Julia; Robischon, Marcel (2019): How Will We Eat and Produce in the Cities of the Future? From Edible Insects to Vertical Farming—A Study on the Perception and Acceptability of New Approaches. In: Sustainability, Vol. 11, Issue 16. doi: 10.3390/su11164315.
- Sanyé-Mengual, Esther; Specht, Kathrin; Krikser, Thomas; Vanni, Caterina; Pennisi, Guiseppina; Orsini, Francesco; Gianquinto, Gorgio Prosdocimi (2018): Social acceptance and perceived ecosystem services of urban agriculture in Southern Europe: The case of Bologna, Italy. In: PLOS One, Vol. 13, Issue 9, pp. 1–21. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0200993.
- Zoll, Felix; Specht, Kathrin; Opitz, Ina; Siebert, Rosemarie; Piorr, Anette; Zasada, Ingo (2018): Individual choice or collective action? Exploring consumer motives for participating in alternative food networks (AFN). In: International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp. 101–110.
- Specht, Kathrin; Sanyé-Mengual, Esther (2017): Risks in urban rooftop agriculture: Assessing stakeholders‘ perceptions to ensure efficient policy-making. In: Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 69, pp. 13–21.
- Opitz, Ina; Specht, Kathrin; Piorr, Anette; Siebert, Rosemarie; Zasada, Ingo (2017): Effects of consumers-producers-interactions in Alternative Food Networks (AFN) on consumers´ learning and perception of agriculture. In: Moravian Geographical Reports, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 181–191.
- Specht, Kathrin; Zoll, Felix; Siebert, Rosemarie (2016): Application and evaluation of a participatory “open innovation” approach (ROIR): the case of introducing zero-acreage farming in Berlin. In: Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 151, pp. 45–54.
- Specht, Kathrin, Weith, Thomas; Swoboda, Kristin; Siebert, Rosemarie (2016): Socially acceptable urban agriculture businesses. In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 36, Issue 1, pp. 1–14. doi: 10.1007/s13593-016-0355-0.
- Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie; Thomaier, Susanne (2016): Perception and acceptance of agricultural production in and on urban buildings (ZFarming): a qualitative study from Berlin, Germany. In: Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. 33, Issue 4, pp.753–769.
- Zoll, Felix; Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie (2016): Innovation in urban agriculture: evaluation data of a participatory approach (ROIR). In: Data in Brief, Vol. 7, pp.1473–1476.
- Opitz, Ina; Specht, Kathrin; Berges, Regine; Siebert, Rosemarie; Piorr, Anette (2016): Toward sustainability: novelties, areas of learning and innovation in urban agriculture. In: Sustainability, Vol. 8, Issue 4, Article: 356.
- Thomaier, Susanne; Specht, Kathrin; Henckel, Dietrich; Dierich, Axel; Siebert, Rosemarie; Freisinger, Ulf B.; Sawicka, Magdalena (2015): Farming in and on urban buildings: Present practice and specific novelties of Zero-Acreage Farming (ZFarming). In: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 43–54.
- Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie; Thomaier, Susanne; Freisinger, Ulf B.; Sawicka, Magdalena; Dierich, Axel; Henckel, Dietrich; Busse, Maria (2015): Zero-acreage farming in the city of Berlin: an aggregated stakeholder perspective on potential benefits and challenges. In: Sustainability, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp.4511–4523.
- Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie; Hartmann, Ina; Freisinger, Ulf B.; Sawicka, Magdalena; Werner, Armin; Thomaier, Susanne; Henckel, Dietrich; Walk, Heike; Dierich, Axel (2014): Urban agriculture of the future: an overview of sustainability aspects of food production in and on buildings. In: Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 33–51.
- Kächele, Harald; Amjath Babu, T. S.; Kutter, Thomas; Specht, Kathrin; Nautiyal, Sunil; Müller, Klaus; Raju, Konduru V. (2011): Confronting the climate change challenge: discussing the role of rural India under cumulative emission budget approach. In: Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 14, Issue 8, pp.1103–1112.
- Baur, Patrick; Treviño-Peña, Melva; Taylor, John; Jennings, Rose; Aliu, Sheriff; Specht, Kathrin; Schröter, Barbara; Steines, Ann-Kristin; Martin, Michael; Farhangi, Mosen; Voora, Vivien; Kanki, Kiyoko; Miura, Ken; Kiyoyama, Yohei; Yukun, He; Vinge, Hedi; Sabir, Beste; Calo, Adam; Van Den Oever, Stijn (2024): How city regions can govern urban agriculture for equity. In: Urban Agriculture Magazine – Linking future policies and next practices 41, 46–48.
- Busch, Christin; Falke, Matthias; Specht, Kathrin (2023): Kulturelle Ökosystemleistungen urbaner Grünräume. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage im Ruhrgebiet und in Shanghai. In: Transforming Cities 3, 56–60.
- Steines, Ann-Kristin; Specht, Kathrin; Iodice, Chiara-Charlotte (2023): Nachhaltige Lebensmittelproduktion in der Stadt. Think global, eat local. In: IzR – Informationen zur Raumentwicklung 4/2022, 86–97.
- Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin (2022): Projekt „FEW-meter“ abgeschlossen. Ergebnisse zur Ressourceneffizienz in urbanen Gärten. In: Der Fachberater 3, 15.
- Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin (2020): Unterschätzte Kleingärten. Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt FEW-Meter. In: Transforming Cities, H. 4, S. 82–85.
- Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid (2020): „Global denken, lokal essen” – Lokale Ernährungssysteme im Trend. In: Der Lebensmittelbrief – ernährung aktuell, Jg. 31, Mai/Juni 2020, S. 8.
- Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid (2018): Forschungsprojekt FEW-Meter. Ressourcenströme in der urbanen Landwirtschaft messbar machen. In: Transforming Cities, Nr.03/2018, S. 30–31.
- Dierich, Axel; Specht, Kathrin; Thomaier, Susanne (2017): Der Umweltnutzen von ZFarming. Potenzial produktiv genutzter Dächer und Fassaden für Gebäudeklima, Stadtklima und Klimaschutz. In: Transforming Cities, Nr.01/2017, S. 83–87.
- Specht, Kathrin (2016): ZFarm. Landwirtschaft ohne Land. In: GENOMXPRESS SCHOLÆ 5 „Moderne Landwirtschaft“, S. 26–27.
- Sanyé-Mengual, Esther; Specht, Kathrin (2016): What can we expect from urban rooftop agriculture in terms of sustainability? In: The Nature of Cities, Global Online Roundtable “Urban agriculture has many benefits. Is one of them a contribution to urban sustainability?”. Online verfügbar unter: https://www.thenatureofcities.com/2016/06/30/urban-agriculture-has-many-benefits-is-one-of-them-a-contribution-to-urban-sustainability/.
- Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie (2015): Städtische Landwirtschaft der Zukunft – ohne Flächenverbrauch auf den Dächern der Stadt? In: Rundbrief: Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung, Vol. 1, pp. 15–16.
- Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie (2014): Introducing rooftop greenhouses to the city of Berlin. In: Urban Agriculture Magazine, Issue 28, pp. 55–57.
- Freisinger, Ulf B.; Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie (2013): Lebensmittel auf der Stadt: Anbau von Nahrungsmitteln in und auf Gebäuden. In: Forschungsreport Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Verbraucherschutz, Jg. 1, S. 4–7.
- Caputo, Silvio; Dorr, Erica; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Hawes, Jason K.; Lelièvre, Agnes; Newell, Josh; Poniży, Lidia; Schoen, Victoria; Jean-Soro, Liliane; Specht, Kathrin; Yaman, Rokiah (2022): FEW-meter Final Report. An Integrative Model to Measure and Improve Urban Agriculture, Shifting it Towards Circular Urban Metabolism. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6558032.
- Specht, Kathrin (2017): The introduction and implementation of ‚Zero-acreage farming‘. Potentials, limitations, and acceptance. Berlin.
- Specht, Kathrin (2009): Risk of soil erosion in the context of dynamic changes in land use and soil protection policies. Wien.
- Specht, Kathrin (2006): Landbewirtschaftung und Naturschutz. Nachhaltige Landnutzung am Beispiel der Region Pielachtal. Wien.
- Specht, Kathrin; Morel, Kevin (Hrsg.) (2022): Acta Horticulturae 1356. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Urban Horticulture for Sustainable Food Security (UrbanFood2022). Leuven: ISHS.
- Specht, Kathrin; Bohn, Katrin; Simón-Rojo, Marian (Eds.) (2022): Special Issue: Planning Food System Transitions. In: Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems.
- Artmann, Martina; Specht, Kathrin; Vávra, Jan; Rommel, Marius (Eds.) (2021): Special Issue: A Systemic Perspective on Urban Food Supply: Assessing Different Types of Urban Agriculture. In: Sustainability.
- Warnke, Philine; Dönitz, Ewa; Opitz, Ina; Zoll, Felix; Doernberg, Alexandra; Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie; Piorr, Anette; Berges, Regine (2018): Szenarien zur Zukunft der Nahrungsmittelversorgung. Chancen und Herausforderungen für alternative Versorgungsnetzwerke. Karlsruhe.
- Opitz, Ina; Zoll, Felix; Doernberg, Alexandra; Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie; Piorr, Anette; Berges, Regine; Dönitz, Ewa; Warnke, Philine (2017): Future | Food | Commons – Alternative Netzwerke zur Nahrungsmittelversorgung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Stadt und Land. Müncheberg.
- Opitz, Ina; Zoll, Felix; Doernberg, Alexandra; Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie; Piorr, Anette; Berges, Regine; Dönitz, Ewa; Warnke, Philine (2017): Future|Food|Commons: Alternative Food Networks at the urban-rural interface. Müncheberg.
- Freisinger, Ulf B.; Specht, Kathrin; Sawicka, Magdalena; Busse, Maria; Siebert, Rosemarie; Werner, Armin; Thomaier, Susanne; Henckel, Dietrich; Galda, Anna; Dierich, Axel; Wurbs, Sven; Grosse-Heitmeyer, Julia; Schön, Susanne; Walk, Heike (2015): There’s something growing on the roof. Rooftop greenhouses. Idea, planning, implementation. Müncheberg.
- Berges, Regine; Opitz, Ina; Piorr, Anette; Krikser, Thomas; Lange, Andrej; Bruszewska, Katarzyna; Specht, Kathrin; Henneberg, Claudia (2014): Urbane Landwirtschaft: Innovationsfelder für die nachhaltige Stadt? Müncheberg.
- Freisinger, Ulf B.; Specht, Kathrin; Sawicka, Magdalena; Busse, Maria; Siebert, Rosemarie; Werner, Armin; Thomaier, Susanne; Henckel, Dietrich; Galda, Anna; Dierich, Axel; Wurbs, Sven; Große-Heitmeyer, Julia; Schön, Susanne; Walk, Heike (2013) Es wächst etwas auf dem Dach. Dachgewächshäuser: Idee, Planung, Umsetzung. Müncheberg.
- Specht, Kathrin; Schimichowski, Julian; Fox-Kämper, Runrid (2021): Multifunctional Urban Landscapes: The Potential Role of Urban Agriculture as an Element of Sustainable Land Management. In: Weith, Thomas; Barkmann, Tim; Gaasch, Nadin; Rogga, Sebastian; Strauß, Christian; Zscheischler, Jana (Hrsg.): Sustainable Land Management in a European Context. Cham (CH), S. 291–303 = Human-Environment Interactions, Vol 8. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50841-8_15. (online first 29.08.2020)
- Specht, Kathrin; Reynolds, Kristin; Sanyé- Mengual, Esther (2017): Community and social justice aspects of rooftop agriculture. In: Orsini, Francesco; Dubbeling, Marielle; Gianquinto, Giorgio (eds.): Handbook of Rooftop Agriculture, Heidelberg/ Berlin, pp. 277–290.
- Specht, Kathrin; Siebert, Rosemarie (2017): Städtische Landwirtschaft in, an und auf Gebäuden: Möglichkeiten für die Stadtentwicklung, Handlungsfelder und Akteure. In: Kost, Susanne; Kölking, Christina (Hrsg.): Transitorische StadtLandschaften – Welche Landwirtschaft braucht die Stadt? Experimentier- und Produktionsräume für die Stadt von morgen. Heidelberg/Berlin, S. 95–113.
- Specht, Kathrin; Freisinger, Ulf B.; Siebert, Rosemarie (2014): Ackern ohne Boden: Frisches Gemüse vom Dach oder Kräuter von der Fassade sind beliebt. In: Trendbuch: Innovative Agrarwirtschaft. Frankfurt am Main, S. 46–48.
- Kächele, Harald; Kutter, Thomas; Specht, Kathrin; Nautiyal, Sunil; Amjath Babu, T. S.; Müller, Klaus; Raju, Konduru V. (2013): Rural India as factor to cope with climate change. In: Nautiyal, Sunil; Rao, K. S., Kächele, Harald; Raju, Konduru V.; Schaldach, Rüdiger (eds.): Knowledge systems of societies for adaptation and mitigation of impacts of climate change. Berlin, pp. 693–716.
- Kächele, Harald; Ramakrishnan, P. S.; Kutter, Thomas; Specht, Kathrin (2009): Research on sustainable land use in Germany and India: future tasks. In: Science and Technology – Drivers for a Common Future. Bonn, pp. 1–10.
- Steines, Ann-Kristin; Eisenberg, Annika; Weith, Thomas; Specht, Kathrin; Haberland, Marcel (2024): Umsetzungshilfe des SUSKULT-Ansatzes: Kreislaufbasierte Agrarsysteme für die Stadt- und Raumplanung. Dortmund. https://doi.org/10.58122/0h5h-kg92.
- Steines, Ann-Kristin; Specht, Kathrin (2024): FoodE Deliverable D1.4 Data Management Plan (month 48). https://foode.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Attachment_0-copy-6.pdf.
- Steines, Ann-Kristin; Leimkühler, Melissa; Specht, Kathrin; Iodice, Chiara; Wissmann, Anna; Schröter, Barbara; Bastia, Teresa; Cirillo, Chiara; Córdoba Balcells, Valentina; Coudard, Antoine; D’Ostuni, Michele; Dehmel, Niclas; Gabarell, Xavier; Gheorghica, Anca; Ghiban, Andreea; Jikia, Nino; Lelièvre, Agnès; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo; Monticone, Francesca; Muñoz Odina, Pere; Orsini, Francesco; Muñoz-Liesa, Joan; Nolde, Erwin; Pascual-Fernández, José; Petit Boix, Anna; Pölling, Bernd; Ramón Bruquetas, Jaime; Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia; Riera Sant, Bernat; Righini, Isabella; Rossi, Giulia; Samoggia, Antonella; Tonini, Pietro; Trusnovec, Gorazd; Wiese, Claudia; Zamida, Renata (2024): Deliverable 6.4 European Guidebook to Sustainable CRFS. https://foode.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Attachment_0-copy.pdf.
- Wissmann, Anna; Specht, Kathrin; Steines, Ann-Kristin; Leimkühler, Melissa; Iodice, Chiara; Coudard, Antoine; Righini, Isabella; Bruquetas, Jaime Ramón; D’Ostuni, Michele; Dehmel, Niclas; Pascual-Fernández, José J.; Nolde, Erwin; Gheorghică, Anca Elena; Ghiban, Andreea; Lelièvre, Agnès; Monticone, Francesca; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo; Muňoz, Pere; Orsini, Francesco; Pennisi, Giuseppina; Poelling, Bernd; Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia; Saint-Ges, Véronique; Samoggia, Antonella; Trušnovec, Gorazd; Wiese, Claudia; Bastia, Teresa; Căpitănița, Cristina; Cirillo, Chiara; Petit-Boix, Anna; Rossi, Giulia; Bertocchi, Inti; Zamida, Renata; Riera, Bernat; Tonini, Pietro; Córdoba, Valentina; Gabarrell, Xavier; Muñoz-Liesa, Joan (2024): European Guidebook on Sustainable City Region Food Systems. Dortmund. https://doi.org/10.58122/weg1-dd11.
- Iodice, Chiara; Specht, Kathrin; Wissmann, Anna; Steines, Ann-Kristin; Leimkühler, Melissa (2023): Deliverable 6.3 Checklists for replication of best practices. https://foode.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Attachment_0.pdf.
- Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia; Appolloni, Elisa; Fernandez, Jose Pascual; Munoz Odina, Pere; Braschi, Ilaria; Ghiban, Andreea; Bruquetas, Jaime Ramon; Righini, Isabella; Blasioli, Sonia; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo; Cirillo, Chiara; Monticone, Francesca; Curtis, Adam; Steines, Ann-Kristin; Specht, Kathrin; Căpitănița, Cristina; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Lelièvre, Agnès; Orsini, Francesco (2023): FoodE Deliverable 3.6 Report on MyLocalFoodE initiatives.
- Wissmann, Anna; Iodice, Chiara; Leimkühler, Melissa; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Amghar, Samir; Curtis, Adam; Corbett, Emma; Bruquetas, Jaime Ramón; Cirillo, Chiara; D’Ostuni, Michele; Pascual-Fernández, José J.; Monticone, Francesca; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo; Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia; Righini, Isabella; Saint-Ges, Véronique; Samoggia, Antonella; Steines, Ann-Kristin (2023): FoodE Deliverable 6.2 Analysis of the roles and relationships of different actors in the food chain.
- Specht, Kathrin; Busch, Christin (2023): Wertvolles Stadtgrün – Wie kulturelle Ökosystemleistungen in der Stadtplanung messbar gemacht werden können. ILS-IMPULSE 01/23. Dortmund.
- Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid (2022): FEW-Meter – ein integratives Modell für eine ressourceneffiziente urbane Landwirtschaft: Abschlussbericht. https://doi.org/10.2314/KXP:1860523757.
- Wissmann, Anna; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Iodice, Chiara; Atanasov, Aleksandar; Bastia, Teresa; Bruquetas, Jaime Ramón; Căpitănița, Cristina; Cirillo, Chiara; Coudard, Antoine; Curtis, Adam; D’Ostuni, Michele; Dehmel, Niclas; Pascual-Fernández, José J.; Gazzi, Marco; Gheorghica, Anca; Ghiban, Andreea; Lelièvre, Agnes; Martinez, Laura; Monticone, Francesca; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo; Muňoz, Pere; Niero, Anna; Nolde, Erwin; Orsini, Francesco; Pennisi, Giuseppina; Poelling, Bernd; Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia; Righini, Isabella; Salìs, Martì Rufì; Saint-Ges, Véronique; Samoggia, Antonella; Steines, Ann-Kristin; Trušnovec, Gorazd; van den Assem, Freyr; Wiese, Claudia; Zamida, Renata (2022): The Policy Environment for Sustainable City Region Food Systems (CRFS) – Factsheets. Hrsg. v. ILS Research. Dortmund.
- Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin; Caputo, Silvio; Hawes, Jason K.; Lélièvre, Agnès; Cohen, Nevin; Poniży, Lidia with contributions by Béchet, Béatrice; Jean-Soro, Liliane; Schoen, Victoria; Stark, Martin (2022): Roadmap to Resource Efficient Urban Agriculture. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6622125.
- Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin (2022): FoodE Deliverable D1.3 Data Management Plan (month 24).
- Graamans, Luuk; Rufí-Salís, Martí; Petruzzelli, Mara; De Menna, Fabio; Cirone, Francesco; Vittuari, Matteo; Samoggia, Antonella; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Lelièvre, Agnès; Saint-Ges, Vèronique; Pascual-Fernández, Josè; Braschi, Ilaria; Gabarrell Durany, Xavier; Monticone, Francesca (2022): FoodE Deliverable D2.4 Data inventory.
- Wissmann, Anna; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Iodice, Chiara Charlotte; Curtis, Adam; Martinez, Laura (2022): FoodE Deliverable 6.1 Factsheets with overview on EU and national regulatory framework conditions and policies and the related constraints and challenges.
- De Menna, Fabio; Rufí-Salís, Martí; Petruzzelli, Mara; Graamans, Luuk; Cirone, Francesco; Durante, Emanuele; Tonini, Pietro; Samoggia, Antonella; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Lelièvre, Agnès; Bazzocchi, Giovanni; Pascual-Fernández, Josè; Braschi, Ilaria; Gabarrell Durany, Xavier; Vittuari, Matteo (2021): FoodE Deliverable D2.2 Methodological Framework to Develop Life Cycle.
- Graamans, Luuk; Rufí-Salís, Martí; Petruzzelli, Mara; De Menna, Fabio; Cirone, Francesco; Samoggia, Antonella; Monticone, Francesca; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Lelièvre, Agnès; Vaint-Ges, Vèronique; Bazzocchi, Giovanni; Pascual-Fernández, Josè; Braschi, Ilaria; Vittuari, Matteo; Gabarrell Durany, Xavier (2021): FoodE Deliverable D2.3 Data collection protocol.
- Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin (2020): FoodE Deliverable D1.2 Data Management Plan (month 6).
- Pascual-Fernandez, Josè; de la Cruz-Modino, Raquel; Antonio Batista Medina, Jose; Santana Talavera, Agustín; Jacinto Fariña, Raquel; Ramón Bruquetas, Jaime; Orsini, Francesco; Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin (2020): FoodE Deliverable D3.1 Catalogue of Networking and Cross Pollination Initiatives in CRFS.
- Polívka, Jan; Reimer, Mario; Cozzolino, Stefano; Eichhorn, Sebastian; Fleischer, Janne Jakob; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Goede, Paul; Kummel, Olivia; Leyser-Droste, Magdalena; Lübker, Susanne; Monkenbusch, Franziska; Pehlke, David; Schulwitz, Martin; Specht, Kathrin; Stark, Martin; Stroms, Peter; Wilms, Stefan (2020): Corona 2020 and beyond: Der Unsicherheit durch Flexibilität entgegentreten. Dortmund = ILS-Working Paper 2. // Polívka, Jan; Reimer, Mario; Cozzolino, Stefano; Eichhorn, Sebastian; Fleischer, Janne Jakob; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Goede, Paul; Kummel, Olivia; Leyser-Droste, Magdalena; Lübker, Susanne; Monkenbusch, Franziska; Pehlke, David; Schulwitz, Martin; Specht, Kathrin; Stark, Martin; Stroms, Peter; Wilms, Stefan (2020): Corona 2020 and beyond: Embracing Uncertainty in Spatial Planning, Urban Management and Design. Dortmund = ILS-Working Paper 2.
- Piorr, Anette; Berges, Regine; Krikser, Thomas; Henneberg, Claudia; Lange, Andrej; Opitz, Ina; Specht, Kathrin (2015): Forschungsprojekt „Innovationsanalyse Urbane Landwirtschaft“: INNSULA: Relevanz der urbanen Landwirtschaft als Innovation für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Berichtszeitraum: 07.06.2011–06.12.2014. Müncheberg.
- Siebert, Rosemarie; Specht, Kathrin; Sawicka, Magdalena; Busse, Maria; Freisinger, Ulf B.; Opitz, Ina; Werner, Armin (2014): ZFarm – Innovations- und Technikanalyse „Zero Acreage Farming“: Innovationspolitische Handlungsfelder für die nachhaltige Entwicklung im Rahmen der Innovations- und Technikanalyse des BMBF; Schlussbericht Stand 16.05.2014, FKZ 16I1619. Müncheberg.
- Schuler, Johannes, Odefey, Lars, Specht, Kathrin, Zander, Peter, Kächele, Harald (2013): Darstellung der zu erwartenden Auswirkungen von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Hochwasserschutzes auf die landwirtschaftliche Bodennutzung: Endbericht zum LUGV-Projekt HWRMP Schwarze Elster; Stand 31.08.2013. Müncheberg.
- Uckert, Götz; Siebert, Rosemarie; Specht, Kathrin (2009): Zustandsbericht zur aktuellen Umsetzung von Bioenergie auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben: Befragung Brandenburger Landwirte ; Abschlussbericht [Wissensvermittlung zur regenerativen Energieerzeugung – Checklisten als Instrument zur Erhebung des umsetzbaren Potenzials sowie zur unabhängigen Beratung in der Landwirtschaft]. Müncheberg.
Vorträge (Auswahl)
- A healthier planet for all – green and blue spaces and their benefits for mental health: Co-creation approaches of the GreenME project (Iodice, Chiara-Charlotte; gemeinsam mit Otsuka, Noriko*; Specht, Kathrin*; Caputo, Silvio*; Cole, Helen*; Cioncoloni, Virginia*; Crichigno, Antonella*; D’Ostuni, Michele*; Hedblom, Marcus*; Michels, Kira*; Palmlof, Karin*; Roscoe, Charlie*; Schoen, Victoria*; Sienkiewicz-Jarosz, Halina*; Triguero-Mas, Margarita*). Vortrag auf der 5th ESP Europe 2024 Conference – Ecosystem services: One Planet, One Health, 18.11.2024, Wageningen, Niederlande.
- JUST GROW? Co-designing justice-centric indicators to understand trends of intensification in urban agricultural systems (Steines, Ann-Kristin; Calo, Adam; gemeinsam mit Baur, Patrick*; Kanki, Kiyoko*; Martin, Michael*; Specht, Kathrin*; Vinge, Heidi*). Vortrag im Rahmen des Symposiums „Spatial Justice in Practice: Benchmarking Spatial Justice in Policymaking, Planning and Design” des TU Delft Centre for the Just City, 30.11.2023, Delft, Niederlande.
- Unveiling the Urban Tapestry: Exploring Human-Nature Interweaving in the Co-production of Cultural Ecosystem Services (Busch, Christin; gemeinsam mit Specht, Kathrin*; Inostroza, Luis*; Zepp, Harald*). Vortrag im Rahmen der 4th International ESP Latin America and Caribbean Conference der Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), Mendel University in Brno, Corporación Regional de Desarrollo Productivo Coquimbo, 07.11.2023, La Serena, Chile/online.
- Politische Rahmenbedingungen für stadtregionale Ernährungssysteme: Was muss sich ändern? (Steines, Ann-Kristin; gemeinsam mit Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Iodice, Chiara*; Specht, Kathrin*; Wißman, Anna*). Vortrag auf dem 62. Deutschen Kongress für Geographie 2023, 22.09.2023, Frankfurt am Main.
- Transformation städtischer Ernährungssysteme: Analyse des Ernährungsnetzwerks der Stadt Dortmund (Leimkühler, Melissa; gemeinsam mit Specht, Kathrin*; Wißmann, Anna*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Iodice, Chiara*). Vortrag auf dem 62. Deutschen Kongress für Geographie 2023, 22.09.2023, Frankfurt am Main.
- Advancing Greencare in Europe: a multi-scalar approach to improve Mental health Equity (Triguero-Mas, Margarita; gemeinsam mit Cole V.S. Helen*; Caputo, Silvio*; Specht, Kathrin*; Giedych, Renata*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Cook, Penny*; Rademacher, Eva*). Vortrag auf der 35th Annual ISEE Conference, 21.09.2023, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Relationships between natural and built green space features and the provision of cultural ecosystem services in two German cities (Busch, Christin; gemeinsam mit Specht, Kathrin*; Inostroza, Luis*; Zepp, Harald*). Vortrag auf der Veranstaltung „ECOSERV 2023“ der Adam Mickiewicz University, 15.09.2023, Poznań, Polen.
- How are the actors involved in farmers’ markets related to each other in terms of influence, networks and power dynamics? A Stakeholders Network Analysis of the city of Bol (Monticone, Francesca; gemeinsam mit Rossi, Giulia*, Specht, Kathrin*; Wißmann, Anna*; Schroeter, Barbara*; Bertazzoli, Aldo*; Samoggia, Antonella*). Vortrag auf dem XVII Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) „Agri-food systems in a changing world: Connecting science and society“, 01.09.2023, Rennes, Frankreich.
- Practicing urban agriculture positively influences household organic waste management habits – A quantitative study from Florianópolis, Brazil (Di Fiore, Gianluca; gemeinsam mit Specht, Kathrin*; Rover, Oscar José*; Zanasi, Cesare*). Vortrag im Rahmen der AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference der AERES University of Applied Sciences und der Wageningen University & Research, 21.10.2022, Almere, Niederlande.
- Indicators and metrics to measure social impacts in city-region food systems (CRFS) (gemeinsam mit Fox- Kämper, Runrid; Calore, Giuseppe; Petruzzelli, Mara; Monticone, Francesca; Carotti, Laura; Tonini, Pietro). Posterpräsentation auf dem International Symposium on Urban Horticulture for Sustainable Food Security (UrbanFood2022) im Rahmen des 31st International Horticulture Congress (IHC 2022) der International Society for Horticultural Science, 19.08.2022, Angers, Frankreich.
- Policies for growing innovative City-Region Food Systems. An analysis in six European countries (Fox-Kämper, Runrid; gemeinsam mit Wißmann, Anna*; Specht, Kathrin*; Iodice, Chiara*; Curtis, Adam*; Martine, Laura*). Vortrag im Rahmen des International Symposium on Urban Horticulture for Sustainable Food Security „UrbanFood2022“ der International Society for Horticultural Science, 18.08.2022, Angers, Frankreich.
- Environmental benefits of urban agriculture take time to accrue (Goldstein, Benjamin; gemeinsam mit Hawes, Jason*; Dorr, Erica*; Blythe, Chris*; Caputo, Silvio*; Cohen, Nevin*; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnès*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Jean-Soro, Lilliane*; Poniży, Lidia*; Schoen, Victoria*; Specht, Kathrin*). Vortrag im Rahmen des Annual Meeting 2022 „A Change Is Gonna Come“ der ESA/CSEEF – Ecological Society of America/Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, 16.08.2022, Montréal, Canada.
- The Value of Urban Agriculture beyond Food Production. Findings from Allotment Gardens in Germany (gemeinsam mit Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Dobrodolac, Marco*; Heidemann, Werner*; Grote, Stephan*; Kirby, Caitlin*). Vortrag auf dem IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress „Making the future, learning from the past“, 11.07.2022, Warschau, Polen/online.
- Exploring consumer trust in community-supported agriculture in Germany (Zoll, Felix; gemeinsam mit Kirby, Caitlin*; Specht, Kathrin*; Siebert, Rosemarie*). Vortrag im Rahmen der Konferenz “Landscape 2021 – Diversification for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture” des Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), 20.09.2021, online.
- Influence of participation in urban agriculture activities on household organic waste management habits: The case study of Florianopolis, Brazil (Di Fiore, Gianluca; gemeinsam mit Specht, Kathrin*; Rover, Oscar José; Zanasi, Cesare). Vortrag im Rahmen des 60th ERSA-Kongress “Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe” der European Regional Science Association, 25.08.2021, online.
- The Policy Environment of Resource-efficient Urban Agriculture. Insights from Europe and the U.S. (gemeinsam mit Specht, Kathrin*; Kirby, Caitlin*; Hawes, Jake*; Ilieva, Rositsa*; Cohen, Nevin*; Schoen, Victoria*; Caputo, Silvio*; Poniży, Lidia*; Béchet, Béatrice*). Vortrag im Rahmen des 60th ERSA-Kongress “Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe” der European Regional Science Association, 25.08.2021, online.
- Urban agriculture for resilient urban food systems? Findings on the challenges and opportunities of UA during the COVID-19 pandemic (Schoen, Victoria; gemeinsam mit Caputo, Silvio*; Blythe, Chris*; Specht, Kathrin*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Cohen, Nevin*; Lelièvre, Agnès*; Poniży, Lidia*; Fedenczak, Konstancja*). Vortrag im Rahmen des 60th ERSA-Kongress “Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe” der European Regional Science Association, 25.08.2021, online.
- How efficient is urban agriculture regarding the food-energy-water nexus? (Dorr, Erica; gemeinsam mit Grard, Baptiste*; Specht, Kathrin*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Caputo, Silvio*; Poniży, Lidia*; Hawes, Jason K.*; Cohen, Nevin*; Górecki, Tomasz*; Goldstein, Benjamin*; Jean-Soro, Liliane*; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnes*). Vortrag im Rahmen der 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE) 2020/21, 08.07.2021, online.
- How to measure the multiple benefits of urban agriculture: a review of multi-criteria tools for the development of a UA index (Caputo, Silvio; gemeinsam mit Dorr, Erica*; Goldstein, Benjamin*; Hawes, Jason K.*; Specht, Kathrin*; Blythe, Chris*; Cohen, Nevin*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Jean-Soro, Liliane*; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnes*; Poniży, Lidia*). Vortrag im Rahmen der 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE) 2020/21, 08.07.2021, online.
- Differences in motivations and social impacts across urban agriculture types: case studies in Europe and the US (Kirby, Caitlin K.; gemeinsam mit Specht, Kathrin*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Hawes, Jason K.*; Cohen, Nevin*; Caputo, Silvio*; Ilieva, Rositsa T.*; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnes*; Poniży, Lidia*; Schoen, Victoria*; Blythe, Chris*). Vortrag im Rahmen der 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE) 2020/21, 08.07.2021, online.
- The socio-cultural benefits of urban agriculture: a scan of the literature (Ilieva, Rositsa T.; gemeinsam mit Cohen, Nevin*; Israel, Maggie*; Specht, Kathrin*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnes*; Poniży, Lidia*; Schoen, Victoria*; Caputo, Silvio*; Kirby, Caitlin K.*; Goldstein, Benjamin*; Blythe, Chris*). Vortrag im Rahmen der 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE) 2020/21, 08.07.2021, online.
- Socio-economic and socio-ecological benefits of allotment gardens – findings from case studies in France, Poland, and Germany (Dobrodolac, Marco; gemeinsam mit Specht, Kathrin*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Poniży, Lidia*; Fedeńczak, Konstancja*; Bechet, Béatrice*; Jean-Soro, Liliane*; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnes*; Heidemann, Werner*). Vortrag im Rahmen der 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE) 2020/21, 08.07.2021, online.
- An integrative approach to urban agriculture. The methodological framework of the FEW-meter project (Lidia Poniży; gemeinsam mit Béchet, Béatrice*; Blythe, Chris*; Caputo, Silvio*; Cohen, Nevin*; Dorr, Erica*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Grard, Baptiste*; Goldstein, Benjamin*; Ilieva, Rositsa*; Jean-Soro, Liliane*; Lelievre, Agnes*; Newell, Joshua*; Schoen, Victoria*; Specht, Kathrin*; Spiżewski, Tomasz*). Vortrag auf der Dresden Nexus Conference 2020, 04.06.2020, online.
- How does urban agriculture connect to food/water/energy- NEXUS policies? Insights from Europe and the U.S. (gemeinsam mit Fox-Kämper, Runrid*; Kirby, Caitlin*; Ilieva, Rositsa*; Schoen, Victoria*; Bechet, Beatrice*; Ponizy, Lidia*; Cohen, Nevin*; Caputo, Silvio*; Grard, Baptiste*; Hawes, Jake*). Vortrag auf der Dresden Nexus Conference 2020, 04.06.2020, online.
- “Innovativeness“ in urban agriculture: Which novelties in the social, environmental and economic dimension do urban agriculture projects produce? (gemeinsam mit Sanyé-Mengual, Esther*; Grapsa, Erofili*; Orsini, Francesco*; Gianquinto, Giorgio*). Vortrag im Rahmen der AESOP-Sustainable Food Planning (SFP) International Conference 2019 „Agroecological transitions confronting climate breakdown: Food planning for the post-carbon city“, 08.11.2019, Madrid, Spanien.
- Urban Agriculture and the Food-Energy-Water-NEXUS: Comparison of Policy Documents of five Metropolitan Regions in Europe and the U.S. (gemeinsam mit Fox-Kämper*, Runrid; Cohen, Nevin*; Ilieva, Rositsa*; Grard, Baptiste*; Bechet, Beatrice*; Poniży, Lidia*; Caputo, Silvio*; Schoen, Victoria*; Newell, Joshua*; Goldstein, Benjamin*; Jean-Soro, Liliane*). Posterpräsentation im Rahmen der AESOP-Sustainable Food Planning (SFP) International Conference 2019 „Agroecological transitions confronting climate breakdown: Food planning for the post-carbon city“, 08.11.2019, Madrid, Spanien.
- The Urban Agriculture Nexus (Caputo, Silvio; gemeinsam mit Schoen, Victoria*; Specht, Kathrin*; Grard, Baptiste*). Vortrag im Rahmen der AESOP-Sustainable Food Planning (SFP) International Conference 2019 „Agroecological transitions confronting climate breakdown: Food planning for the post-carbon city“, 07.11.2019, Madrid, Spanien.
- New approaches and products in urban food production: A study on perception of sustainability and social acceptability (gemeinsam mit Robischon, Marcel*; Zoll, Felix*; Bela, Julia*; Schümann, Henrike*; Kachel, Julia*). Vortrag im Rahmen des 19. World Congress der International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), 02.07.2019, Mailand, Italien.
- Spatial context and legal environment of urban agriculture in the Ruhr metropolitan area (Germany) (gemeinsam mit Schimichowski, Julian*; Fox-Kämper, Runrid*). Vortrag im Rahmen des 19. World Congress der International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), 02.07.2019, Mailand, Italien.
- Urban agriculture and ecosystem services in a nutshell: A recent state of the art (gemeinsam mit Artmann, Martina; Sanyé-Mengual, Esther*). Vortrag im Rahmen der ESP Europe Regional Conference 2018: Ecosystem services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice, 18.10.2018, San Sebastian, Spanien.
- Ecosystem services of urban agriculture in Bologna: a perception approach from the society to the manager level (gemeinsam mit Sanyé-Mengual, Esther*; Krikser, Thomas*; Vanni, Caterina*; Pennisi, Giuseppina*; Orsini, Francesco*; Gianquinto, Giorgio P.*). Vortrag im Rahmen der ESP Europe Regional Conference 2018: Ecosystem services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice, 18.10.2018, San Sebastian, Spanien.
- Productive urban landscapes? A survey on preferences and the social acceptability of different forms and products of urban agriculture. Vortrag im Rahmen der Final Conference of the SUSTURBANFOOD project der Fondazione FICO World, 24.05.2018, Bologna, Italien.
- Forms and products of urban agriculture in Bologna: a survey on demands, preferences, and social acceptability (gemeinsam mit E. Sanyé-Mengual). Vortrag im Rahmen des International Symposium on greener cities. Efficient ecosystem services in a climate changing world, 13.09.2017, Bologna, Italien.
- Zero-acreage farming (ZFarming) – Potentials of roofs, facades and set-aside buildings for urban food production. Vortrag im Rahmen des World Green Infrastructure Congress (WGIC), 21.06.2017, Berlin.
- Urban rooftop farming in Berlin and Barcelona: What risks and uncertainties do key stakeholders perceive? (gemeinsam mit Sanyé-Mengual, Esther). Vortrag im Rahmen der 7th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference, 07.10.2015, Turin, Italien.
- Future|Food|Commons: A framework to investigate trends and impacts of “sharing” in new producer- consumer relationship. Vortrag im Rahmen der 7th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference, 07.10.2015, Turin, Italien.
- Using a participatory approach to introduce zero- acerage farming to the City of Berlin. Vortrag im Rahmen der ECLAS Conference, 21.09.2015, Tartu, Estland.
- Regional Open Innovation Roadmapping (ROIR) – Application and evaluation of a participatory approach that integrates stakeholders into the development of regional innovations. Vortrag im Rahmen der 2nd International Conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society (AgUrb), 14.09.2015, Rom, Italien.
- Sharing Economy in food supply: New models of consumer-producer interaction, trends and impacts. Vortrag im Rahmen der 2nd International Conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society (AgUrb), 14.09.2015, Rom, Italien.
- Learning processes and community involvement in urban agriculture. Vortrag im Rahmen der 6th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference, 06.11.2014, Leeuwarden, Niederlande.
- Stakeholders’ perceptions and acceptance of agricultural production in and on urban buildings in Berlin. Germany. Vortrag auf der 5th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference – Innovations in urban food systems, 29.10.2013, Montpellier, Frankreich.
- The present practice of zero-acreage farming and its contribution to the sustainable city (gemeinsam mit Thomaier , Susanne; Freisinger, Ulf). Vortrag im Rahmen der 4th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference – Changing food systems in an urban world, 01.11.2012, Berlin.
- The “Cumulative Emission Budget Approach“: An alternative mechanism for carbon trade and its potentials for low carbon development in India. Vortrag im Rahmen der 3rd International Conference of Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO 2012), 08.10.2012, Mumbai, Indien.
- Zero acreage farming- ZFarming: Social dimensions of an urban innovation. Vortrag im Rahmen der1st International Conference on Multifunctional Agriculture and Urban- Rural Relations, 01.04.2012,Wageningen, Niederlande.
- Perspektive von Konsument*innen und Gesellschaft auf Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). Vortrag und Teilnahme an der Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der Auftaktveranstaltung „Controlled Environment Agriculture – landwirtschaftliche Produktion der Zukunft?“ der DAFA-Plattform Controlled Environment Agriculture und Agrarwissenschaftliches Symposium des Hans Eisenmann-Forums, 29.09.2022, München.
- Kläranlagen als Standorte für eine urbane Landwirtschaft der Zukunft – Szenarien aus dem Forschungsprojekt SUSKULT (gemeinsam mit Steines, Ann-Kristin*; Schulwitz, Martin*; Haberland, Marcel*). Posterpräsentation im Rahmen der Auftaktveranstaltung „Controlled Environment Agriculture – landwirtschaftliche Produktion der Zukunft?“ der DAFA-Plattform Controlled Environment Agriculture und Agrarwissenschaftliches Symposium des Hans Eisenmann-Forums, 29.09.2022, München.
- Grüne Infrastruktur als Maßnahme für Klimaanpassung und Klimaschutz in der Stadtplanung. Herausforderungen und Umsetzung (gemeinsam mit Busch, Christin). Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltung „ThinkReal-Labor – Klimaschutz- und Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen im Städtebau“ der