Ausgewählte Beiträge
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Ausgewählte Beiträge
Stolze, Dario; Klinger, Thomas; Haustein, Sonja
Unpacking mobility cultures: a review of conceptual definitions and empirical approaches.
Transport Reviews, online first January 31, 2025.
Unpacking mobility cultures: a review of conceptual definitions and empirical approaches.
Transport Reviews, online first January 31, 2025.
Bücher, Julius; Aertker, Johannes; Neumann, Christian; Klinger, Thomas; Lanzendorf, Martin
Die urbane Mobilitätswende messbar machen? Konzeption und Anwendung eines Mobilitätswendeindex am Beispiel der Städte Darmstadt, Frankfurt und Wiesbaden.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 82, 6, 455–470.
Die urbane Mobilitätswende messbar machen? Konzeption und Anwendung eines Mobilitätswendeindex am Beispiel der Städte Darmstadt, Frankfurt und Wiesbaden.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 82, 6, 455–470.
Busch, Christin; Specht, Kathrin; Inostroza, Luis; Falke, Matthias; Zepp, Harald
Disentangling cultural ecosystem services co-production in urban green spaces through social media reviews.
Ecosystem Services 70, 101675.
Disentangling cultural ecosystem services co-production in urban green spaces through social media reviews.
Ecosystem Services 70, 101675.
Cozzolino, Stefano
Planning and design for long-term neighborhood adaptability: an investigation of the formation and evolution of Kreuzviertel in Dortmund, Germany.
URBAN DESIGN International, online first June 13, 2024.
Planning and design for long-term neighborhood adaptability: an investigation of the formation and evolution of Kreuzviertel in Dortmund, Germany.
URBAN DESIGN International, online first June 13, 2024.
Cozzolino, Stefano; De Franco, Anita (Hrsg.)
Special Issue: Exploring conformorality in planning debates.
Transactions 8, 1, i–iii.
Special Issue: Exploring conformorality in planning debates.
Transactions 8, 1, i–iii.
Debrunner, Gabriela; Kolocek, Michael; Schindelegger, Arthur
The decommodifying capacity of tenancy law: comparative analysis of tenants’ and landlords’ rights in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
International Journal of Housing Policy, online first July 8, 2024, 1–23.
The decommodifying capacity of tenancy law: comparative analysis of tenants’ and landlords’ rights in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
International Journal of Housing Policy, online first July 8, 2024, 1–23.
Di Fiore, Gianluca; Specht, Kathrin; Zanasi, Cesare; Rover, Oscar José
Practising urban agriculture positively influences household organic waste management habits: A quantitative study from Florianópo-lis, Brazil.
Waste Management & Research, online first September 11, 2024.
Practising urban agriculture positively influences household organic waste management habits: A quantitative study from Florianópo-lis, Brazil.
Waste Management & Research, online first September 11, 2024.
Dong, Nannan; Wang, Yiqi; Zepp, Harald; Gruenhagen, Lars; Bührs, Malte; Busch, Christin; Wei, Weixuan
从模型到应用:基于生态系统服务权衡的乡村生态修复规 划工具研究 (Model to Application: A Study on a Decision Support Tool for Rural Ecological Restoration Planning Based on Ecosystem Services Trade-offs).
Garden Magazine 41, 3, 4–12.
从模型到应用:基于生态系统服务权衡的乡村生态修复规 划工具研究 (Model to Application: A Study on a Decision Support Tool for Rural Ecological Restoration Planning Based on Ecosystem Services Trade-offs).
Garden Magazine 41, 3, 4–12.
Eichhorn, Sebastian
Infilling in German cities. Analysing the extent and spatial distribution of infilling and its effects on housing density between 1991 and 2011.
ERDKUNDE 78, 2, 129–144.
Infilling in German cities. Analysing the extent and spatial distribution of infilling and its effects on housing density between 1991 and 2011.
ERDKUNDE 78, 2, 129–144.
Eichhorn, Sebastian; Ehrhardt, Denise; Jehling, Mathias
From policies to outcomes: multi-level analysis of the influence of regional planning on land take.
European Planning Studies 33, 1, 83–103.
From policies to outcomes: multi-level analysis of the influence of regional planning on land take.
European Planning Studies 33, 1, 83–103.
Eichhorn, Sebastian; Ehrhardt, Denise; Münter, Angelika; Behnisch, Martin; Jehling, Mathias:
Understanding land take by low-density residential areas: An institutionalist perspective on local planning authorities, developers and households.
Land Use Policy 143, 107198. (online first 13.05.2024)
Understanding land take by low-density residential areas: An institutionalist perspective on local planning authorities, developers and households.
Land Use Policy 143, 107198. (online first 13.05.2024)
Eichhorn, Sebastian; Harig, Oliver; Siedentop, Stefan; Hecht, Robert
Assessing the suitability of settlement delineations for monitoring infilling: A web- and GIS-based expert evaluation approach.
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, online first December 18, 2024.
Assessing the suitability of settlement delineations for monitoring infilling: A web- and GIS-based expert evaluation approach.
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, online first December 18, 2024.
Heudobler, Marlies; Fina, Stefan; Gerten, Christian; Voß, Stephan; Jung-Sievers, Caroline
Walkability der Stadt Regensburg – eine Mixed-methods-Untersuchung mittels QGIS und Walk Audits.
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, online first October 14, 2024.
Walkability der Stadt Regensburg – eine Mixed-methods-Untersuchung mittels QGIS und Walk Audits.
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, online first October 14, 2024.
Hanhörster, Heike; Tippel, Cornelia
”We Stretched the Rules”: How Street-Level Bureaucrats in Schools Shape Newcomers’ Access to Resources.
Urban Planning 9, 8570. (online first 21.11.2024)
”We Stretched the Rules”: How Street-Level Bureaucrats in Schools Shape Newcomers’ Access to Resources.
Urban Planning 9, 8570. (online first 21.11.2024)
Hawes, Jason K; Goldstein, Benjamin P.; Newell, Joshua P.; Dorr, Erica; Caputo, Silvio; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Grard, Baptiste; Ilieva, Rositsa T.; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnès; Poniży, Lidia; Schoen, Victoria; Specht, Kathrin; Cohen, Nevin
Comparing the carbon footprints of urban and conventional agriculture.
Nature Cities 1, 164–173.
Comparing the carbon footprints of urban and conventional agriculture.
Nature Cities 1, 164–173.
Klein, Marcus; Klinger, Thomas; Lanzendorf, Martin
Residential self-selection and the relative importance of travel considerations in the residential choice of a car-reduced neighbourhood.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 190, 104266.
Residential self-selection and the relative importance of travel considerations in the residential choice of a car-reduced neighbourhood.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 190, 104266.
Lättmann, Katrin; Otsuka, Noriko
Sustainable Development of Urban Mobility through Active Travel and Public Transport. Editorial.
Sustainability 16, 2, 534. (online first 08.01.2024)
Sustainable Development of Urban Mobility through Active Travel and Public Transport. Editorial.
Sustainability 16, 2, 534. (online first 08.01.2024)
Leimkühler, Melissa; Specht, Kathrin; Schröter, Barbara; Wissmann, Anna; Iodice, Chiara; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Steines, Ann-Kristin; Monticone, Francesca; Samoggia, Antonella; Modarelli, Giuseppe Carlo; Reynaud-Desmet, Lélia; Curtis, Adam; Righini, Isabella; D’Ostuni, Michele; Ramón, Jaime; Amghar, Samir; Pascual-Fernández, José J.
Using the Net-Map tool to analyze stakeholder networks in the city region food systems of seven European cities.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 8, 1315399. (online first 27.03.2024)
Using the Net-Map tool to analyze stakeholder networks in the city region food systems of seven European cities.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 8, 1315399. (online first 27.03.2024)
Manz, Mariam; Plöger, Jörg
Lockdown/locked out – Impact of the pandemic on the unequal geography in German cities.
In: Cities 152, 105171.
Lockdown/locked out – Impact of the pandemic on the unequal geography in German cities.
In: Cities 152, 105171.
Marschall, Jonas
Die Verknüpfung der kommunalen Wärmeplanung mit der Bauleitplanung.
UPR – Umwelt- und Planungsrecht 38, 12, 461–469.
Die Verknüpfung der kommunalen Wärmeplanung mit der Bauleitplanung.
UPR – Umwelt- und Planungsrecht 38, 12, 461–469.
Marschall, Jonas
Gesetzliche Regelungen zur finanziellen Beteiligung der Gemeinden und Anwohner am Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien.
DVBl – Das Deutsche Verwaltungsblatt 139, 11, 681–688.
Gesetzliche Regelungen zur finanziellen Beteiligung der Gemeinden und Anwohner am Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien.
DVBl – Das Deutsche Verwaltungsblatt 139, 11, 681–688.
Marschall, Jonas
Planungs- und Rechtsinstrumente zur Klimaanpassung durch urbanes Grün.
Zeitschrift für deutsches und internationales Bau- und Vergaberecht 47, 1, 6–14.
Planungs- und Rechtsinstrumente zur Klimaanpassung durch urbanes Grün.
Zeitschrift für deutsches und internationales Bau- und Vergaberecht 47, 1, 6–14.
Marschall, Jonas
Umsetzung der Wärmeplanung im Rahmen des Städtebaurechts.
KlimR Klima und Recht – Zeitschrift für das gesamte Klimarecht, 4, 107–112.
Umsetzung der Wärmeplanung im Rahmen des Städtebaurechts.
KlimR Klima und Recht – Zeitschrift für das gesamte Klimarecht, 4, 107–112.
Monticone, Francesca; Samoggia, Antonella; Specht, Kathrin; Schröter, Barbara; Rossi, Giulia; Wissmann, Anna; Bertazzoli, Aldo
Harvesting connections: the role of stakeholders’ network structure, dynamics and actors’ influence in shaping farmers’ markets.
Agriculture and Human Values 41, 1503–1520.
Harvesting connections: the role of stakeholders’ network structure, dynamics and actors’ influence in shaping farmers’ markets.
Agriculture and Human Values 41, 1503–1520.
Rönnberg, Oskar; Bernelius, Venla; Ramos Lobato, Isabel
How schools affect neighbourhoods: a conceptual framework for the multiple roles of public schools.
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, online first October 7, 2024, 1–16.
How schools affect neighbourhoods: a conceptual framework for the multiple roles of public schools.
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, online first October 7, 2024, 1–16.
Steines, Ann-Kristin; D’Ostuni, Michele; Wissman, Anna; Specht, Kathrin; Iodice, Chiara; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Monticone, Francesca; Righini, Isabella; Saint-Ges, Veronique; Samoggia, Antonella; Orsini, Francesco
Cultivating change: Exploring policies, challenges, and solutions to support city region food systems development in six European countries.
Cities 155, 105498.
Cultivating change: Exploring policies, challenges, and solutions to support city region food systems development in six European countries.
Cities 155, 105498.
Steinführer, Annett; Osterhage, Frank; Tippel, Cornelia; Kreis, Joachim; Moldovan, Aura
Urban-rural migration in Germany: A decision in favour of 'the rural' or against 'the urban'?
Journal of Rural Studies 111, 103431.
Urban-rural migration in Germany: A decision in favour of 'the rural' or against 'the urban'?
Journal of Rural Studies 111, 103431.
Schmitt, Peter; Weck, Sabine
Towards just planning: on the relationship between procedural and distributive justice in local development actions.
Planning Practice & Research 39, 5, 753–771.
Towards just planning: on the relationship between procedural and distributive justice in local development actions.
Planning Practice & Research 39, 5, 753–771.
Üblacker, Jan; Liebig, Simon; Hamad, Hawzheen
Catalysts of connection. The role of digital information and communication technology in fostering neighbourhood social cohesion: A systematic review of empirical findings.
Urban Studies 61, 16, 3167–3186.
Catalysts of connection. The role of digital information and communication technology in fostering neighbourhood social cohesion: A systematic review of empirical findings.
Urban Studies 61, 16, 3167–3186.
Üblacker, Jan; Liebig, Simon; Hamad, Hawzheen
The Medium is the Messenger. A Quantitative Study on the Relation between Social Media Services and Neighbourhood Social Interactions.
Built Environment 50, 1, 114–132. (online first 01.03.2024)
The Medium is the Messenger. A Quantitative Study on the Relation between Social Media Services and Neighbourhood Social Interactions.
Built Environment 50, 1, 114–132. (online first 01.03.2024)
van der Vlugt, Anna-Lena; Gerten, Christian; Scheiner, Joachim
Integrating Perceptions, Physical Features and the Quality of the Walking Route into an Existing Accessibility Tool: The Perceived Environment Walking Index (PEWI).
Active Travel Studies 4, 1, 1–33. (online first 08.03.2024)
Integrating Perceptions, Physical Features and the Quality of the Walking Route into an Existing Accessibility Tool: The Perceived Environment Walking Index (PEWI).
Active Travel Studies 4, 1, 1–33. (online first 08.03.2024)
Ahlmeyer, Florian; Volgmann, Kati
What Can We Expect for the Development of Rural Areas in Europe? – Trends of the Last Decade and Their Opportunities for Rural Regeneration.
Sustainability 15, 6, 5485. (online first 20.03.2023)
What Can We Expect for the Development of Rural Areas in Europe? – Trends of the Last Decade and Their Opportunities for Rural Regeneration.
Sustainability 15, 6, 5485. (online first 20.03.2023)
Aydar, Zeynep; Plöger, Jörg
Young Refugees’ Integration Trajectories – The Critical Role of Local Resources in Germany.
In: Social Sciences 12, 5, 293.
Young Refugees’ Integration Trajectories – The Critical Role of Local Resources in Germany.
In: Social Sciences 12, 5, 293.
Buscher, Jost; Bakunowitsch, Julija; Specht, Kathrin
Transformative Potential of Vertical Farming—An Urban Planning Investigation Using Multi-Level Perspective.
Sustainability 15, 22, 15861. (online first 11.11.2023)
Transformative Potential of Vertical Farming—An Urban Planning Investigation Using Multi-Level Perspective.
Sustainability 15, 22, 15861. (online first 11.11.2023)
Cirone, Francesco; Petruzzelli, Mara; De Menna, Fabio; Samoggia, Antonella; Buscaroli, Enrico; Durante, Emanuele; Orsini, Francesco; Rufí-Salís, Martí; Tonini, Pietro; Gabarrell Durany, Xavier; Graamans, Luuk; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnès; Saint-Ges, Vèronique; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin; Pascual-Fernández, José J.; Vittuari, Matteo
A sustainability scoring system to assess food initiatives in city regions.
In: Sustainable Production and Consumption 36, 88–99. (online first 30.12.2022)
A sustainability scoring system to assess food initiatives in city regions.
In: Sustainable Production and Consumption 36, 88–99. (online first 30.12.2022)
Dorr, Erica; Hawes, Jason K.; Goldstein, Benjamin; Fargue‑Lelievre, Agnes; Fox‑Kämper, Runrid; Specht, Kathrin; Fedeńczak, Konstancja; Caputo, Silvio; Cohen, Nevin; Poniży, Lidia; Schoen, Victoria; Górecki, Tomasz; Newell, Joshua P.; Jean‑Soro, Liliane; Grard, Baptiste
Food production and resource use of urban farms and gardens: a five-country study.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43, 18. (online first 01.02.2023)
Food production and resource use of urban farms and gardens: a five-country study.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43, 18. (online first 01.02.2023)
Eichhorn, Sebastian
Infilling in Germany. Estimating the extent of infilling in German municipalities between 1979 and 2011.
Landscape and Urban Planning 240, 104895.
Infilling in Germany. Estimating the extent of infilling in German municipalities between 1979 and 2011.
Landscape and Urban Planning 240, 104895.
Eichhorn, Sebastian; Adam, Brigitte; Schürholt, Kerstin; Jansen, Hendrik; Kötter, Theo; Terfrüchte, Thomas; Eichfuss, Silas; Rohde, Natascha; Wilberz, Johannes; Stielike, Jan Matthias (2024)
No net land take policy in practice: Applications and potentials of planning instruments in municipalities. Results of an online survey in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 82, 1, 68–84. (online first 19.10.2023)
No net land take policy in practice: Applications and potentials of planning instruments in municipalities. Results of an online survey in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 82, 1, 68–84. (online first 19.10.2023)
Eichhorn, Sebastian; Diller, Christian; Pehlke, David
Die Entwicklung der Regulierungsintensität der deutschen Regionalpläne von 1985 bis 2017. Ein empirischer Beitrag zur Diskussion um den Bedeutungsverlust der Raumordnung.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 81, 3, 207–224. (online first 24.01.2023)
Die Entwicklung der Regulierungsintensität der deutschen Regionalpläne von 1985 bis 2017. Ein empirischer Beitrag zur Diskussion um den Bedeutungsverlust der Raumordnung.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 81, 3, 207–224. (online first 24.01.2023)
Eichhorn, Sebastian; Gerten, Christian; Weiß, Manuel; Münter, Angelika
Städtebauliche Entwicklungsdynamiken an Fernverkehrsbahnhöfen in Deutschland.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 81, 3, 254–270. (online first 13.01.2023)
Städtebauliche Entwicklungsdynamiken an Fernverkehrsbahnhöfen in Deutschland.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 81, 3, 254–270. (online first 13.01.2023)
Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Kirby, Caitlin K.; Specht, Kathrin; Cohen, Nevin; Ilieva, Rositsa; Caputo, Silvio; Schoen, Victoria; Hawes, Jason K.; Ponizy, Lidia; Béchet, Béatrice
The role of urban agriculture in food-energy-water nexus policies: Insights from Europe and the U.S.
Landscape and Urban Planning 239, 104848. (online first 03.08.2023)
The role of urban agriculture in food-energy-water nexus policies: Insights from Europe and the U.S.
Landscape and Urban Planning 239, 104848. (online first 03.08.2023)
Fina, Stefan; Schmitz, Julian; Weck, Sabine; Pfaffenbach, Carmella; Dobusch, Diane
New measurement approaches to identifying spatial concentrations of poor and low-income households in German city regions.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 82, 1, 40–54.
New measurement approaches to identifying spatial concentrations of poor and low-income households in German city regions.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 82, 1, 40–54.
Gailing, Ludger; Weith, Thomas (Hrsg.)
Themenheft: Räume für Gerechtigkeit.
Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 96, 4.
Themenheft: Räume für Gerechtigkeit.
Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 96, 4.
Gailing, Ludger; Weith, Thomas
Räume für Gerechtigkeit.
Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 96, 4, 321–328.
Räume für Gerechtigkeit.
Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 96, 4, 321–328.
Groth, Sören; Klinger, Thomas; Otsuka, Noriko
Geographies of new mobility services: The emergence of a premium mobility network space..
Geoforum 144, 103765.
Geographies of new mobility services: The emergence of a premium mobility network space..
Geoforum 144, 103765.
Hans, Nils
Arrival brokers as a key component of the arrival infrastructure: how established migrants support newcomers.
Geographica Helvetica 78, 3, 381–391.
Arrival brokers as a key component of the arrival infrastructure: how established migrants support newcomers.
Geographica Helvetica 78, 3, 381–391.
Hanhörster, Heike; Matzke, Felix Leo; Wiesemann, Lars
Begegnung im Kontext von Diversität und Fluktuation: Zur Rolle von Stadtteilorganisationen.
Migration und Soziale Arbeit 45, 2, 141–147.
Begegnung im Kontext von Diversität und Fluktuation: Zur Rolle von Stadtteilorganisationen.
Migration und Soziale Arbeit 45, 2, 141–147.
Helbing, Marc; Rybski, Diego; Schewe, Jacob; Siedentop, Stefan; Glockmann, Manon; Heider, Bastian; Jones, Bryan; Meierrieks, Daniel; Rikani, Albano; Stroms, Peter
Measuring the effect of climate change on migration flows: Limitations of existing data and analytical frameworks.
PLOS Climate 2, 1, e0000078. (online first 04.01.2023)
Measuring the effect of climate change on migration flows: Limitations of existing data and analytical frameworks.
PLOS Climate 2, 1, e0000078. (online first 04.01.2023)
Klee, Andreas; Kühne, Manfred; Jehling, Mathias; Kinossioan, Nadir; Volgmann, Kati; Keil, Roger
Zur Geschichte der Zeitschrift „Raumforschung und Raumordnung“ seit 1936. Editorial.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 81, 1, 1–4.
Zur Geschichte der Zeitschrift „Raumforschung und Raumordnung“ seit 1936. Editorial.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 81, 1, 1–4.
Lättmann, Katrin; Otsuka, Noriko (Hrsg.)
Special Issue: Sustainable Development of Urban Mobility through Active Travel and Public Transport.
Special Issue: Sustainable Development of Urban Mobility through Active Travel and Public Transport.
Miyagawa, Tomoko; Otsuka, Noriko; Abe, Hirokazu
Green space creation and utilization in coordination with policies for Healthy Cities in Japan.
Cities & Health 7, 5, 854–874.
Green space creation and utilization in coordination with policies for Healthy Cities in Japan.
Cities & Health 7, 5, 854–874.
Miyagawa, Tomoko; Olver, Clare; Otsuka, Noriko; Abe, Hirokazu
Partnership-based policies and plans for open space management of case studies in post-industrial landscapes.
International Journal of GEOMATE 25, 108, 97–105.
Partnership-based policies and plans for open space management of case studies in post-industrial landscapes.
International Journal of GEOMATE 25, 108, 97–105.
Münter, Angelika; Garde, Lisa; in der Beck, Lea; Osterhage, Frank (2024)
Wohnen in Krisenzeiten – Wirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie und der Energiekrise auf Wohnpräferenzen und Wohnstandortentscheidungen.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 82, 1, 24–39. (online first 21.09.2023)
Wohnen in Krisenzeiten – Wirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie und der Energiekrise auf Wohnpräferenzen und Wohnstandortentscheidungen.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 82, 1, 24–39. (online first 21.09.2023)
Novack, Tessio; Tripp, James; Camara, Carlos
The Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors on Walkability Perception – Results from a Large-Scale Survey.
Fourth International Symposium on Platial Information Science (PLATIAL'23), Dortmund, Germany, 85–90.
The Influence of Socio-Demographic Factors on Walkability Perception – Results from a Large-Scale Survey.
Fourth International Symposium on Platial Information Science (PLATIAL'23), Dortmund, Germany, 85–90.
Novack, Tessio; Wu, Hangbin (Hrsg.)
Special Issue „Urban Geospatial Analytics Based on Crowdsourced Data”.
ISPRS – International Journal of Geo-Information.
Special Issue „Urban Geospatial Analytics Based on Crowdsourced Data”.
ISPRS – International Journal of Geo-Information.
O'Neill, David; Seitz, Maximiliane; Stroms, Peter; Fesel, Katharina
Das Dilemma des suburbanen Raums. Regionales Wachstum aus kommunaler Perspektive.
RaumPlanung 221, 2, 17–23.
Das Dilemma des suburbanen Raums. Regionales Wachstum aus kommunaler Perspektive.
RaumPlanung 221, 2, 17–23.
Otsuka, Noriko; Reeve, Alan (2024)
Railway stations as public space: how to promote rail journeys via multi-functional railway stations.
European Planning Studies 32, 5, 973–1009. (online first 29.08.2023)
Railway stations as public space: how to promote rail journeys via multi-functional railway stations.
European Planning Studies 32, 5, 973–1009. (online first 29.08.2023)
Pfaffenbach, Carmella; Dobusch, Diane; Weck, Sabine; Fina, Stefan; Schmitz, Julian
Verteilungsmuster von Haushalten mit geringer Kaufkraft in deutschen Stadtregionen vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Wohnungsmarktentwicklung.
Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 96, 3, 215–237.
Verteilungsmuster von Haushalten mit geringer Kaufkraft in deutschen Stadtregionen vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Wohnungsmarktentwicklung.
Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 96, 3, 215–237.
Ramos Lobato, Isabel; Goldbach, Alina; Hanhörster, Heike
“The kids get haggled over“: How institutional practices contribute to segregation in elementary schools.
Frontiers in Sociology 8, 1250158.
“The kids get haggled over“: How institutional practices contribute to segregation in elementary schools.
Frontiers in Sociology 8, 1250158.
Rosenfeld, Martin; Heider, Bastian
The legacy of socialist central planning policy for the long-term development of cities: insights from case studies in East Germany.
Regional Studies, Regional Science 10, 1, 312–328. (online first 20.03.2023)
The legacy of socialist central planning policy for the long-term development of cities: insights from case studies in East Germany.
Regional Studies, Regional Science 10, 1, 312–328. (online first 20.03.2023)
Schmitz, Julian; Fina, Stefan; Gerten, Christian
Wie fußgängerfreundlich sind deutsche Großstädte? Neue Ergebnisse aus der Walkability-Forschung.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 81, 4, 327–341.
Wie fußgängerfreundlich sind deutsche Großstädte? Neue Ergebnisse aus der Walkability-Forschung.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 81, 4, 327–341.
Schröder, Annika; Klinger, Thomas (2024)
From car-oriented to car-reduced planning practices: The complex patterns of actors’ mobility-related beliefs in developing a new neighborhood.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 50, 100800. (online first 05.12.2023)
From car-oriented to car-reduced planning practices: The complex patterns of actors’ mobility-related beliefs in developing a new neighborhood.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 50, 100800. (online first 05.12.2023)
Standfuß, Ines; Geiß, Christian; Kühnl, Marlene; Droin, Ariane; Mast, Johannes; Wurm, Michael; Siedentop, Stefan; Heider, Bastian; Taubenböck, Hannes
In the tension between large-scale analysis and accuracy – Identifying and analysing intra-urban (sub-)centre structures comparing official 3D-building models and TanDEM-X nDSMs.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 102, 101953.
In the tension between large-scale analysis and accuracy – Identifying and analysing intra-urban (sub-)centre structures comparing official 3D-building models and TanDEM-X nDSMs.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 102, 101953.
Volgmann, Kati; Osterhage, Frank
Sinkende Einzelhandelsmieten in Innenstädten – Ausdruck der Krise oder Chance für Wiederbelebung?
Stadtforschung und Statistik 36, 2, 13–20.
Sinkende Einzelhandelsmieten in Innenstädten – Ausdruck der Krise oder Chance für Wiederbelebung?
Stadtforschung und Statistik 36, 2, 13–20.
Weck, Sabine
Can local development actions be transformative and contribute to more just spaces?.
European Journal of Spatial Development 20, 1, 41–69. (online first 05.06.2023)
Can local development actions be transformative and contribute to more just spaces?.
European Journal of Spatial Development 20, 1, 41–69. (online first 05.06.2023)
Weck, Sabine; Dobusch, Diane; Pfaffenbach, Carmella; Fina, Stefan; Schmitz, Julian
New peripheries in the making? Analysing German cities from the lens of a suburbanisation of poverty.
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 38, 2267–2284.
New peripheries in the making? Analysing German cities from the lens of a suburbanisation of poverty.
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 38, 2267–2284.
Weith, Thomas
Tauschgerechtigkeit. Eine neue Perspektive für die regionale Raumentwicklung?
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Tauschgerechtigkeit. Eine neue Perspektive für die regionale Raumentwicklung?
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Xu, Shaojuan; Fina, Stefan
National-scale imperviousness mapping and detection of urban land changes.
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National-scale imperviousness mapping and detection of urban land changes.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 202, 369–384.
Yuan, Kun; Abe, Hirokazu; Otsuka, Noriko; Yasufuku, Kensuke; Takahashi, Akira
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Walkability in Historical Cities: The Case of Xi’an and Kyoto.
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A Comprehensive Evaluation of Walkability in Historical Cities: The Case of Xi’an and Kyoto.
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Albrecht, Janna; Scheiner, Joachim
Leaving, Staying in and Returning to the Hometown. Couples’ residential location choices at the time of family formation.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 4, 414–433. (online first 28.02.2022)
Leaving, Staying in and Returning to the Hometown. Couples’ residential location choices at the time of family formation.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 4, 414–433. (online first 28.02.2022)
Aydar, Zeynep
The Life Opportunities of Young Refugees: Understanding the Role, Function and Perceptions of Local Stakeholders.
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The Life Opportunities of Young Refugees: Understanding the Role, Function and Perceptions of Local Stakeholders.
Social Sciences 11, 11, 527. (online first 17.11.2022)
Azegami, Takato; Takahashi, Akira; Kensuke, Yasufuku; Otsuka, Noriko; Miyagawa, Tomoko; Abe, Hirokazu
Analysis of Matters Affecting Land Price Fluctuations in the Great East Japan Earthquake.
International Journal of GEOMATE 22, 89, 55–64.
Analysis of Matters Affecting Land Price Fluctuations in the Great East Japan Earthquake.
International Journal of GEOMATE 22, 89, 55–64.
Bollenbach, Lukas; Schmitz, Julian; Niermann, Christina; Kanning, Martina
How do people feel while walking in the city? Using walking-triggered e-diaries to investigate the association of social interaction and environmental greenness during everyday life walking.
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 970336. (online first 26.09.2022)
How do people feel while walking in the city? Using walking-triggered e-diaries to investigate the association of social interaction and environmental greenness during everyday life walking.
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Cozzolino, Stefano
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Book Review: Beauregard, Robert A. (2021): Advanced Introduction to Planning Theory. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
European Planning Studies 30, 12, 2618–2620. (online first 31.01.2022)
Cozzolino, Stefano; Moroni, Stefano
Structural preconditions for adaptive urban areas: Framework rules, several property and the range of possible actions.
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Structural preconditions for adaptive urban areas: Framework rules, several property and the range of possible actions.
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Di Fiore, Gianluca; Specht, Kathrin; Rover, Oscar José; Zanasi, Cesare
Stakeholders' social acceptance of a new organic waste management policy in the city of Florianópolis (Brazil).
Journal of Cleaner Production 379, 2, 134756. (online first 20.10.2022)
Stakeholders' social acceptance of a new organic waste management policy in the city of Florianópolis (Brazil).
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Diller, Christian; Eichhorn, Sebastian
25 Jahre Metropolregionen in Deutschland im Spagat zwischen Raumordnung und Raumentwicklung. Ein Klassifizierungsansatz.
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25 Jahre Metropolregionen in Deutschland im Spagat zwischen Raumordnung und Raumentwicklung. Ein Klassifizierungsansatz.
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De Vos, Jonas; Lättmann, Katrin; van der Vlugt, Anna-Lena; Welsch, Janina; Otsuka, Noriko (2023)
Determinants and effects of perceived walkability: a literature review, conceptual model and research agenda.
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Determinants and effects of perceived walkability: a literature review, conceptual model and research agenda.
Transport Reviews 43, 2, 303–324. (online first 21.07.2022)
Ehrhardt, Denise; Eichhorn, Sebastian; Behnisch, Martin; Jehling, Mathias; Münter, Angelika; Schünemann, Christoph; Siedentop, Stefan
Stadtregionen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wohnungsfrage und Flächensparen. Trends, Strategien und Lösungsansätze in Kernstädten und ihrem Umland.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 5, 522–541. (online first 05.10.2022)
Stadtregionen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wohnungsfrage und Flächensparen. Trends, Strategien und Lösungsansätze in Kernstädten und ihrem Umland.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 5, 522–541. (online first 05.10.2022)
Eichhorn, Sebastian; Diller, Christian; Pehlke, David
Regionales Flächenmanagement in den deutschen Metropolregionen.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 6, 610–625. (online first 16.05.2022)
Regionales Flächenmanagement in den deutschen Metropolregionen.
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Eichhorn, Sebastian; Pehlke, David
Unintended effects of regional planning in Germany.
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Unintended effects of regional planning in Germany.
Growth and Change 53, 2, 933–950. (online first 04.02.2022)
Eichhorn, Sebastian; Siedentop, Stefan
Innen vor Außen? Eine Schätzung der Innenentwicklung in nordrhein-westfälischen Gemeinden, 1979 bis 2011.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 6, 640–658. (online first 18.07.2022)
Innen vor Außen? Eine Schätzung der Innenentwicklung in nordrhein-westfälischen Gemeinden, 1979 bis 2011.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 6, 640–658. (online first 18.07.2022)
Fina, Stefan; Gerten, Christian; Pondi, Brian; D'Arcy, Lorraine; O'Reilly, Niamh; Vale, David Sousa; Pereira, Mauro; Zilio, Samuele
Book Review: OS-WALK-EU: An open-source tool to assess health-promoting residential walkability of European city structures.
Journal of Transport & Health 27, 101486. (online first 22.09.2022)
Book Review: OS-WALK-EU: An open-source tool to assess health-promoting residential walkability of European city structures.
Journal of Transport & Health 27, 101486. (online first 22.09.2022)
Garde, Lisa; Greinke, Lena
Using Participatory Visual Methods to Explore Multi-Local Living Arrangements – The Example of Work-Life Biographies and Reflexive Photography.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21, 1–15. (online first 13.08.2022)
Using Participatory Visual Methods to Explore Multi-Local Living Arrangements – The Example of Work-Life Biographies and Reflexive Photography.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21, 1–15. (online first 13.08.2022)
Gerten, Christian; Boyko, Dmitry; Fina, Stefan
Patterns of Post-socialist Urban Development in Russia and Germany.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 4, 846956. (online first 19.04.2022)
Patterns of Post-socialist Urban Development in Russia and Germany.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 4, 846956. (online first 19.04.2022)
Gerten, Christian; Fina, Stefan
Scrutinizing the buzzwords in the mobility transition: The 15- minute-city, the one-hour metropolis, and the vicious cycle of car dependency.
Projections 16 – Measuring the City: The Power of Urban Metrics. (online first 20.06.2022)
Scrutinizing the buzzwords in the mobility transition: The 15- minute-city, the one-hour metropolis, and the vicious cycle of car dependency.
Projections 16 – Measuring the City: The Power of Urban Metrics. (online first 20.06.2022)
Gerten, Christian; Hanhörster, Heike; Hans, Nils; Liebig, Simon
How to identify and typify arrival spaces in European cities – A methodological approach.
Population, Space and Place 29, 2, 1–15. (online first 11.08.2022)
How to identify and typify arrival spaces in European cities – A methodological approach.
Population, Space and Place 29, 2, 1–15. (online first 11.08.2022)
Goede, Paul
Ausgleichssysteme im nachhaltigen Flächenmanagement. Potenziale und Herausforderungen am Beispiel der Region Rendsburg.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 6, 626–639. (online first 30.09.2022)
Ausgleichssysteme im nachhaltigen Flächenmanagement. Potenziale und Herausforderungen am Beispiel der Region Rendsburg.
Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 80, 6, 626–639. (online first 30.09.2022)
Growe, Anna; Volgmann, Kati
Metropolisation Through Regionalisation? Spatial Scope and Anchor Points of Metropolitan Functions in German Urban Regions.
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie | Journal of Economic and Human Geography 113, 5, 502–522. (online first 14.07.2022)
Metropolisation Through Regionalisation? Spatial Scope and Anchor Points of Metropolitan Functions in German Urban Regions.
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie | Journal of Economic and Human Geography 113, 5, 502–522. (online first 14.07.2022)
Hangebruch, Nina; Othengrafen, Frank
Resilient Inner Cities: Conditions and Examples for the Transformation of Former Department Stores in Germany.
Sustainability 14, 14, 8303.
Resilient Inner Cities: Conditions and Examples for the Transformation of Former Department Stores in Germany.
Sustainability 14, 14, 8303.
Hanhörster, Heike; Haase, Annegret; Hans, Nils; Rink, Dieter; Schmitz, Antonie; Schrader, Sebastian (2023)
The (co-)production of arrival neighbourhoods. Processes governing housing markets in three german cities.
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The (co-)production of arrival neighbourhoods. Processes governing housing markets in three german cities.
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 38, 1409–1429. (online first 08.12.2022)
Heider, Bastian; Mast, Johannes; Roth, Duncan; Standfuß, Ines; Siedentop, Stefan; Taubenböck, Hannes (2024)
Dynamics of intra-urban employment geographies: A comparative study of U.S. and German metropolitan areas.
Journal of Urban Affairs 46, 7, 1287–1307. (online first 15.12.2022)
Dynamics of intra-urban employment geographies: A comparative study of U.S. and German metropolitan areas.
Journal of Urban Affairs 46, 7, 1287–1307. (online first 15.12.2022)
Ilieva, Rositsa T.; Cohen, Nevin; Israel, Maggie; Specht, Kathrin; Fox-Kämper, Runrid; Fargue-Lelièvre, Agnès; Ponizy, Lidia; Schoen, Victoria; Caputo, Silvio; Kirby, Caitlin K.; Goldstein, Benjamin; Newell, Joshua P.; Blythe, Chris
The Socio-Cultural Benefits of Urban Agriculture: A Review of the Literature.
Land 11, 5, 622.
The Socio-Cultural Benefits of Urban Agriculture: A Review of the Literature.
Land 11, 5, 622.
Kanning, Martina; Bollenbach, Lukas; Schmitz, Julian; Niermann, Christina; Fina, Stefan
Analyzing Person-Place Interactions During Walking Episodes: Innovative Ambulatory Assessment Approach of Walking-Triggered e-Diaries.
JMIR Formative Research 6, 11, e39322 (online first 06.05.2022)
Analyzing Person-Place Interactions During Walking Episodes: Innovative Ambulatory Assessment Approach of Walking-Triggered e-Diaries.
JMIR Formative Research 6, 11, e39322 (online first 06.05.2022)
Kosow, Hannah; Wassermann, Sandra; Bartke, Stephan; Goede, Paul; Grimski, Detlef; Imbert, Ines; Jenssen, Till; Laukel, Oliver; Proske, Matthias; Protzer, Jochen; Schumacher, Kim Philip; Siedentop, Stefan; Wagner-Endres, Sandra; Wittekind, Jürgen; Zimmermann, Karsten
Addressing Goal Conflicts: New Policy Mixes for Commercial Land Use Management.
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Addressing Goal Conflicts: New Policy Mixes for Commercial Land Use Management.
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Otsuka, Noriko; Welsch, Janina; Delmastro, Tiziana; Delpiano, Roberta; Pensas, Stefano
Beyond Start and End Points: Accessibility of Railway Stations on a Multi-Spatial Scale.
Transportation Research Record 2676, 12, 468–484.
Beyond Start and End Points: Accessibility of Railway Stations on a Multi-Spatial Scale.
Transportation Research Record 2676, 12, 468–484.