
© JRF e. V.
BVLB, Library Network of the State Authorities of North Rhine-Westphalia (Bibliotheksverbund der Landesbehörden Nordrhein-Westfalen): Ministries, State Institutes, Archives, Courts, etc. – 75 library catalogues online. As the ILS Library was a member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Network of the State Authorities, an online catalogue of its holdings (as of the end of May 2009) can also be accessed there.
Dortmund University Library: also contains the literature holdings of the Departmental Library for Spatial Planning and the other Departmental Libraries of the TU Dortmund University.
Electronic Journals Library (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, EZB): „… a service for the effective use of scientific full-text journals on the Internet” (EZB). Fast access to more than 76,000 scientific full text journals, approx. 44,000 of which are freely accessible free of charge, otherwise the tables of contents/abstracts are usually accessible free of charge. Journals can be searched by subject area or alphabetically. It is also possible to search specifically for the electronic journals of one of the almost 600 German or foreign libraries and research institutions participating in the EZB.
Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog KVK): one of the most important bibliographic research possibilities. With a single query, simultaneous search (meta search) in online library and book trade catalogues is possible. Fast search of almost all important library holdings in Germany, worldwide or individually selectable by country. Increasingly, articles from books and journals are also recorded and tables of contents linked to the hits. The exact book location in the respective library is also indicated.
Access to the Web of Science: citation database
IngentaConnect: more than 24 million scientific journal articles, reports, book chapters, etc. Topic search for essays. Switch between simple search and professional search by clicking on “Search”. Bibliographic information and abstracts of articles are displayed free of charge in the hit list.
EconBiz Virtual Library of Economics: „The aim is to provide a central point of access for all types of economic information and direct access to the full text. Econbiz offers among other things: a search space for important German and international economic databases, access to full texts on the Internet…”. (Website, about EconBiz).
Dortmund City and State Library: approx. 900,000 volumes, Westfalica collection, approx. 1,250 periodicals, wide range of topics
RWTH Aachen University library: Catalogue of the University Library, the Institute Libraries and Periodicals at RWTH Aachen University
Berlin Senate Library: Special scientific library, approx. half a million volumes and approx. 600 journals. Special collections: “Non-conventional materials on urban development, regional planning, spatial planning from German-speaking countries” (grey literature) and “Municipal sciences” (commissioned by the German Research Foundation DFG)
Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, BBSR), Library: Special scientific library with approx. 145,000 volumes and approx. 450 current periodicals. Main topics: Spatial planning, urban development, housing, construction.
ZVAB, central directory for antiquarian books: the world’s largest online directory of German-language antiquarian books and other media.
Paperball: search for topics in daily newspapers worldwide, restriction to certain newspapers possible.
Laws on the Internet: the current German federal law on the Internet; free of charge and largely complete (joint project of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Juris GmbH)