Knowledge transfer

© ILS / Falk Messerschmidt
Unlike other disciplines, urban and regional research has an imminent social, political, and planning reference. Our objective is to resolve the tension between scientific excellence and the social relevance of science in order to benefit mutually from synergies. To do so, our knowledge transfer is critical and reflective rather than interest-driven contract research. Consequently, the ILS transfer is exclusively based on scientific evidence and at the same time an elementary component of a new generation of knowledge production (co-design and co-production of research). We understand transfer and the active dialogue with planning practice, policy-makers, and the interested public as an integral part of our research agenda, which is also reflected in our knowledge-based transfer strategy. In order to reach both, the research community and the general public, the research results must be prepared and communicated to suit different target groups. The plan is to interlink our transfer activities even more systematically with our research agenda by setting up an ILS-Department of Transfer and Transformation.