
National Networks
The partnerships with regional universities have a special significance for our research in a national context. Cooperation agreements have been in place for some time with TU Dortmund, the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the Universität Bonn, the Universität Münster and RWTH Aachen. In addition to the close partnership when it comes to research, teaching and the promotion of young researchers with TU Dortmund and RWTH Aachen, we also have three joint appointments in place. The ILS is also active in the Metropolitan Research field of competence of the University Alliance Ruhr.
In the context of spatial science networks and topics, the professional exchange with the six spatial science institutes of the Leibniz Association (Leibniz R) is of particular importance in order to make spatial science competencies visible nationally and to bundle them synergetically.
Nationale Fach- und Vernetzungsplattform:
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Deutsche Plattform für Mobilitätsmanagement (DEPOMM) e.V.