Research projects
Client: | Rhine-Neckar Regional Association |
Time frame: | 05/2023 – 12/2023 |
There is a widely consensus in many German cities and urban regions, that sustainable mobilty is a key issue. However, the way to get there is the subject of intensive debates. The definition of subgoals, appropriate mobility policy measures, and indicators to measure progress toward the transition of the mobility system are negotiated by actors with different interests. While the expansion of public transport services as well as pedestrian and bicycle transport enjoys a comparatively high level of approval, measures to restrict car traffic are accepted much less frequently.
Based on this background, the Rhine-Neckar Regional Association engaged ILS Research gGmbH to develop guidelines including a set of indicators for sustainable mobility in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. Based on the analysis of existing guideline processes for sustainable mobility on the european, federal and state levels, subgoals and possible indicators are derived for their application in the metropolitan region. In addition, appropriate mobility policy measures will be compiled for application in the region of study and assessed with regard to their effect on the transformation of the mobility system. Special attention will be paid to recommendations for increasing the acceptance of effective but often still controversial measures.
Project leader:
- Dr. Thomas Klinger
Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-264
Project team:
- Dr.-Ing. Uwe Böhme
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