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all ILS gGmbH ILS Research gGmbH
Integrated urban and neighborhood development: expert forum „Wohnen macht Stadt. Wohnungswirtschaft und integrierte Stadterneuerung“
Client:Ministry of Regional Identity, Local Government, Building and Digitalization of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MHKBD NRW)
Time frame:02/2022 – 12/2023

Integrated urban and neighborhood development focuses on bringing together and linking different sector policies. This also involves considering the (urban) building structure, infrastructure facilities and housing offers together as part of integrated planning. This integrated planning requires good cooperation and networking between the various stakeholders (urban planning, architecture, housing companies) in order to promote mutual understanding and cooperation. This applies both to the practical implementation of urban development and housing projects and to conceptual instruments such as integrated urban development concepts and housing supply concepts.

Target groups from local authorities, science and housing sector association are brought together at regular expert forums. The aim is to discuss good examples from practice as well as conceptual considerations on various key topics.

The expert forums take place twice a year: in spring/summer as a face-to-face event and in fall/winter as an online event.

This project is carried out by ILS gGmbH.

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Project team:
  • Claas Fritzsche

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