Research projects
Client: | Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
Partner(s): | HafenCity University Hamburg - University of Architecture and Metropolitan Development (HCU); Gertz Gutsche Rümenapp - Urban Development and Mobility Hamburg (GGR); Ubilabs GmbH |
Time frame: | 11/2018 – 02/2021 |
Project Check 2.0 is a tool for planning practice that can be used to check the impacts of residential, commercial or retail development. It was created as part of the Sustainable Land Management Programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research by the RegioProjektCheck research network (duration 2010-2017). The aim of the project was to develop tools that would help to take account of the economic, ecological and social impacts of new land use planning as early as possible, to avoid planning errors, to minimise land consumption and to objectify processes and debates within the location identification.
On the basis of empirical work by the ILS and earlier tool developments, seven areas of impact were modelled for fiscal, ecological and demographic consequences. The GIS-based tool is available as a simplified online version ("Web-Check") or as a more comprehensive GIS-plugin ("Profi-Check"). In an ongoing add-on project they are being optimised and expanded. Within the next few years, practitioners as well as lecturers will be specifically addressed to to increade the distribution of the tool and to feed their experience into the optimisation process. This should simplify the usability of contents and methods in the long term and make Project Check a recognised instrument of planning practice.
Further information can be found at
Project leader:
- Dr. Andrea Dittrich-Wesbuer
Phone: +49 (0) 231 9051-272
Project team:
- Paul Goede
- Dr. Mario Reimer
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